173. |
173 |
Letter to Renjō |
3 |
3-9 |
Renjō |
Kamakura |
34 |
lettertorenjo |
174. |
174 |
Questions and Answers on the Various Schools |
10 |
10-23 |
Sammi-bō |
Kamakura |
34 |
questionsandanswersonthevariousschools |
175. |
175 |
Nembutsu and the Hell of Incessant Suffering |
24 |
24-34 |
Reference Works |
34 |
nembutsuandthehellofincessantsuffering |
176. |
176 |
Sovereign, Teacher, and Parent |
35 |
35-43 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
34 |
sovereignteacherandparent |
177. |
177 |
The Meaning of the Sacred Teachings of the Buddha’s Lifetime |
44 |
44-70 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
37 |
meaningofthesacredteachingsofthebuddhaslifetime |
178. |
178 |
On the Principle of Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life |
71 |
71-77 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
37 |
ontheprincipleofthreethousandrealmsinasinglemomentoflife |
179. |
179 |
On the Ten Factors |
78 |
78-81 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
37 |
onthetenfactors |
180. |
180 |
The Doctrine of Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life |
82 |
82-91 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
37 |
doctrineofthreethousandrealmsinasinglemomentoflife |
181. |
181 |
On the Protection of the Nation |
92 |
92-157 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
38 |
ontheprotectionofthenation |
182. |
182 |
On the Ten Worlds |
158 |
158-173 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
38 |
onthetenworlds |
183. |
183 |
Persons of the Two Vehicles and Bodhisattvas Cannot Attain Buddhahood in the Pre-Lotus Sutra Teachings |
174 |
174-178 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
38 |
personsofthetwovehiclesandbodhisattvascannotattainbuddhahoodintheprelotussutrateachings |
184. |
184 |
On Dealing with Disaster |
179 |
179-192 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
39 |
ondealingwithdisaster |
185. |
185 |
Explaining the Causation of the Ten Worlds |
193 |
193-210 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
39 |
explainingthecausationofthetenworlds |
186. |
186 |
On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra |
211 |
211-237 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
39 |
onrecitingthedaimokuofthelotussutra |
187. |
187 |
Diagram of the Five Periods of the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings |
238 |
238-245 |
Reference Works |
39 |
diagramofthefiveperiodsofthebuddhaslifetimeteachings |
188. |
188 |
What It Means to Slander the Law |
246 |
246-273 |
Reference Works |
Izu Itō |
41 |
whatitmeanstoslanderthelaw |
189. |
189 |
On the Relative Superiority of the Lotus Sutra and the True Word Teachings |
274 |
274-287 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
43 |
ontherelativesuperiorityofthelotussutraandthetruewordteachings |
190. |
190 |
Why Present-Day Nembutsu Practitioners Are Destined for the Hell of Incessant Suffering |
288 |
288-300 |
Jōen-bō |
Awa |
43 |
whypresentdaynembutsupractitionersaredestinedforthehellofincessantsuffering |
191. |
191 |
The Two Meanings Implied in the Nembutsu Leading to the Hell of Incessant Suffering |
301 |
301-303 |
Hakiri Sanenaga |
Awa |
43 |
twomeaningsimpliedinthenembutsuleadingtothehellofincessantsuffering |
192. |
192 |
The Portable Shrine Incidents |
304 |
304-305 |
Sammi-bō |
Kamakura |
44 |
portableshrineincidents |
193. |
193 |
On the Attainment of Buddhahood by Women |
306 |
306-311 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
44 |
ontheattainmentofbuddhahoodbywomen |
194. |
194 |
Letter to the Lay Priest Yadoya |
312 |
312-313 |
Yadoya Mitsunori |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertothelaypriestyadoya |
195. |
195 |
Letter to Hōjō Tokimune |
314 |
314-316 |
Hōjō Tokimune |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertohojotokimune |
196. |
196 |
Letter to Yadoya Saemon Mitsunori |
317 |
317-317 |
Yadoya Mitsunori |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertoyadoyasaemonmitsunori |
197. |
197 |
Letter to Hei no Saemon-no-jō Yoritsuna |
318 |
318-319 |
Hei no Saemon |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertoheinosaemonnojoyoritsuna |
198. |
198 |
Letter to Hōjō Yagenta |
320 |
320-321 |
Hōjō Yagenta |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertohojoyagenta |
199. |
199 |
Letter to Dōryū of Kenchō-ji Temple |
322 |
322-323 |
Dōryū of Kenchō-ji temple |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertodoryuofkenchojitemple |
200. |
200 |
Letter to Ryōkan of Gokuraku-ji Temple |
324 |
324-325 |
Ryōkan of Gokuraku-ji temple |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertoryokanofgokurakujitemple |
201. |
201 |
Letter to the Superintendent of Daibutsu-den |
326 |
326-327 |
Daibutsu-den, superintendent of |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertothesuperintendentofdaibutsuden |
202. |
202 |
Letter to Jufuku-ji |
328 |
328-328 |
Jufuku-ji |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertojufukuji |
203. |
203 |
Letter to Jōkōmyō-ji |
329 |
329-330 |
Jōkōmyō-ji |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertojokomyoji |
204. |
204 |
Letter to Tahō-ji |
331 |
331-331 |
Tahō-ji |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertotahoji |
205. |
205 |
Letter to Chōraku-ji |
332 |
332-332 |
Chōraku-ji |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertochorakuji |
206. |
206 |
Letter to My Disciples and Lay Supporters |
333 |
333-334 |
Followers in general |
Kamakura |
47 |
lettertomydisciplesandlaysupporters |
207. |
207 |
The Annual Lecture on the Doctrines of the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai |
335 |
335-337 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Kamakura |
49 |
annuallectureonthedoctrinesofthegreatteachertientai |
208. |
208 |
On the Proper Way to Preach the Doctrine |
338 |
338-351 |
Sammi-bō |
Kamakura |
48 |
ontheproperwaytopreachthedoctrine |
209. |
209 |
Reply to the Lay Nun |
352 |
352-353 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu, mother of |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothelaynun |
210. |
210 |
Concerning the Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha Made by Toki |
354 |
354-355 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
49 |
concerningthestatueofshakyamunibuddhamadebytoki |
211. |
211 |
An Offering of Soybeans |
356 |
356-356 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
49 |
offeringofsoybeans |
212. |
212 |
On the True Word Teaching Ranking Seventh |
357 |
357-363 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
49 |
onthetruewordteachingrankingseventh |
213. |
213 |
On the Relative Superiority of the True Word and Tendai Schools |
364 |
364-373 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
49 |
ontherelativesuperiorityofthetruewordandtendaischools |
214. |
214 |
On the Five Seasonal Festivals |
374 |
374-376 |
Akimoto Tarō |
Awa |
50 |
onthefiveseasonalfestivals |
215. |
215 |
On the Ten Chapters of “Great Concentration and Insight” |
377 |
377-383 |
Sammi-bō |
Kamakura |
50 |
onthetenchaptersofgreatconcentrationandinsight |
216. |
216 |
Reply to Gyōbin |
384 |
384-384 |
Gyōbin |
Kamakura |
50 |
replytogyobin |
217. |
217 |
Response to the Petition from Gyōbin |
385 |
385-390 |
Kamakura Shogunate |
Kamakura |
50 |
responsetothepetitionfromgyobin |
218. |
218 |
The Day before Yesterday |
391 |
391-393 |
Hei no Saemon |
Kamakura |
50 |
daybeforeyesterday |
219. |
219 |
Letter to Five Followers in Prison |
394 |
394-395 |
Five followers in prison |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
lettertofivefollowersinprison |
220. |
220 |
Dialogues for Quick Victory |
396 |
396-410 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
50 |
dialoguesforquickvictory |
221. |
221 |
Dialogue on the Lotus and Pure Land Teachings |
411 |
411-416 |
Reference Works |
Sado |
51 |
dialogueonthelotusandpurelandteachings |
222. |
222 |
Errors of the Eight Schools |
417 |
417-428 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
51 |
errorsoftheeightschools |
223. |
223 |
The Oral Tradition regarding the Enlightenment of Plants |
429 |
429-431 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
51 |
oraltraditionregardingtheenlightenmentofplants |
224. |
224 |
Why No Protection from the Heavenly Gods? |
432 |
432-433 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
51 |
whynoprotectionfromtheheavenlygods? |
225. |
225 |
Errors of the True Word and Other Schools |
434 |
434-439 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
51 |
errorsofthetruewordandotherschools |
226. |
226 |
Letter to Ben |
440 |
440-440 |
Nisshō / Sammi-bō / Daishin, Āchārya |
Sado |
51 |
lettertoben |
227. |
227 |
Examining the True Word School |
441 |
441-456 |
Sammi-bō |
Sado |
51 |
examiningthetruewordschool |
228. |
228 |
Regarding the Birth of Kyō’ō |
457 |
457-458 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
regardingthebirthofkyoo |
229. |
229 |
Letter Sent with the Prayer Sutra |
459 |
459-462 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
52 |
lettersentwiththeprayersutra |
230. |
230 |
The Joy of Fulfilling the Sutra Teachings |
463 |
463-464 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
52 |
joyoffulfillingthesutrateachings |
231. |
231 |
The Great Battle |
465 |
465-466 |
Nisshō / Nisshō, mother of |
Sado |
52 |
greatbattle |
232. |
232 |
Damage by Locusts |
467 |
467-467 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
damagebylocusts |
233. |
233 |
The Differences between Hinayana and Mahayana |
468 |
468-479 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
52 |
differencesbetweenhinayanaandmahayana |
234. |
234 |
The Way to Minobu |
480 |
480-480 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
53 |
waytominobu |
235. |
235 |
Choosing the Heart of the Lotus Sutra |
481 |
481-494 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
53 |
choosingtheheartofthelotussutra |
236. |
236 |
Reply to Ueno |
495 |
495-496 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu, mother of |
Minobu |
53 |
replytoueno |
237. |
237 |
A Disease Passed on to One’s Children |
497 |
497-498 |
Hōjō Yagenta |
Minobu |
53 |
diseasepassedontooneschildren |
238. |
238 |
On the Offering of a Mud Pie |
499 |
499-502 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
53 |
ontheofferingofamudpie |
239. |
239 |
Distinguishing the Lotus Sutra from the True Word Sutras |
503 |
503-504 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
53 |
distinguishingthelotussutrafromthetruewordsutras |
240. |
240 |
Making Clear the Meaning of Establishing the Correct Teaching |
505 |
505-508 |
Reference Works |
Minobu |
53 |
makingclearthemeaningofestablishingthecorrectteaching |
241. |
241 |
Establishing the Correct Method of Contemplation |
509 |
509-522 |
Sairen-bō |
Minobu |
53 |
establishingthecorrectmethodofcontemplation |
242. |
242 |
On the Relative Superiority of the Tendai and True Word Schools |
523 |
523-529 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
54 |
ontherelativesuperiorityofthetendaiandtruewordschools |
243. |
243 |
New Year’s Greeting |
530 |
530-531 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
newyearsgreeting |
244. |
244 |
A Mother’s Gift of a Robe |
532 |
532-533 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
54 |
mothersgiftofarobe |
245. |
245 |
Reply to the Lay Priest Misawa |
534 |
534-534 |
Misawa Kojirō |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothelaypriestmisawa |
246. |
246 |
Cover Letter for the Work Entitled “Establishing the Correct Method of Contemplation” |
535 |
535-539 |
Sairen-bō |
Minobu |
54 |
coverletterfortheworkentitledestablishingthecorrectmethodofcontemplation |
247. |
247 |
On the Five Guides for Propagation |
540 |
540-564 |
Soya Kyōshin / Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
54 |
onthefiveguidesforpropagation |
248. |
248 |
The Source of Aniruddha’s Good Fortune |
565 |
565-566 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
sourceofaniruddhasgoodfortune |
249. |
249 |
Letter to Jōren-bō |
567 |
567-574 |
Jōren-bō |
Minobu |
54 |
lettertojorenbo |
250. |
250 |
On Polished Wheat |
575 |
575-577 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
onpolishedwheat |
251. |
251 |
Discrepancies between the Provisional and the True Teachings |
578 |
578-583 |
Daigaku Saburō |
Minobu |
54 |
discrepanciesbetweentheprovisionalandthetrueteachings |
252. |
252 |
On Attaining Buddhahood in One’s Present Form |
584 |
584-589 |
Ōta Jōmyō, wife of |
Minobu |
54 |
onattainingbuddhahoodinonespresentform |
253. |
253 |
Reply to Ueno |
590 |
590-590 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
replytoueno |
254. |
254 |
Letter of Instruction on Debating the Doctrine |
591 |
591-592 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
54 |
letterofinstructionondebatingthedoctrine |
255. |
255 |
Reply to the Wife of Takahashi |
593 |
593-594 |
Takahashi Rokurō Hyōe, wife of |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothewifeoftakahashi |
256. |
256 |
Jetavana Monastery |
595 |
595-596 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
jetavanamonastery |
257. |
257 |
Kamatari Suggests the Fashioning of a Buddha Image |
597 |
597-598 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
54 |
kamatarisuggeststhefashioningofabuddhaimage |
258. |
258 |
Regarding an Unlined Robe |
599 |
599-601 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
54 |
regardinganunlinedrobe |
259. |
259 |
Cloth for a Robe and an Unlined Robe |
602 |
602-603 |
Toki Jōnin, wife of |
Minobu |
54 |
clothforarobeandanunlinedrobe |
260. |
260 |
Understanding the Meaning of “The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind” |
604 |
604-607 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
54 |
understandingthemeaningoftheobjectofdevotionforobservingthemind |
261. |
261 |
Reply to a Communication from Gōnin |
608 |
608-611 |
Gōnin |
Minobu |
54 |
replytoacommunicationfromgonin |
262. |
262 |
Rulers of the Land of the Gods |
612 |
612-627 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
54 |
rulersofthelandofthegods |
263. |
263 |
On Shan-wu-wei |
628 |
628-635 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
54 |
onshanwuwei |
264. |
264 |
The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude |
636 |
636-639 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
54 |
fourvirtuesandthefourdebtsofgratitude |
265. |
265 |
Oral Exposition concerning the Transmission of the Essence of the Lotus Sutra to Bodhisattva Superior Practices |
640 |
640-650 |
Reference Works |
Minobu |
54 |
oralexpositionconcerningthetransmissionoftheessenceofthelotussutratobodhisattvasuperiorpractices |
266. |
266 |
The Span of One Kalpa |
651 |
651-654 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon |
Minobu |
55 |
spanofonekalpa |
267. |
267 |
Reply to Nanjō |
655 |
655-656 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
55 |
replytonanjo |
268. |
268 |
On Forgetting the Copy of the Sutra |
657 |
657-660 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
55 |
onforgettingthecopyofthesutra |
269. |
269 |
Letter to Ben |
661 |
661-663 |
Nisshō |
Minobu |
55 |
lettertoben |
270. |
270 |
Reply to Kurō Tarō |
664 |
664-665 |
Nanjō Kurō Tarō |
Minobu |
55 |
replytokurotaro |
271. |
271 |
Prayer for the Lay Nun’s Recovery |
666 |
666-667 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
55 |
prayerforthelaynunsrecovery |
272. |
272 |
How the Gods Protect the Place of Practice |
668 |
668-670 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
55 |
howthegodsprotecttheplaceofpractice |
273. |
273 |
Offerings for the Object of Devotion |
671 |
671-672 |
Nanjō Heishichirō |
Minobu |
55 |
offeringsfortheobjectofdevotion |
274. |
274 |
Climbing Up Dragon Gate |
673 |
673-674 |
Ōi, lay priest |
Minobu |
55 |
climbingupdragongate |
275. |
275 |
Snow and Lacquer |
675 |
675-675 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
55 |
snowandlacquer |
276. |
276 |
The Brahman Treasure Sea |
676 |
676-677 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon |
Minobu |
55 |
brahmantreasuresea |
277. |
277 |
Bodhisattva Learned Youth |
678 |
678-679 |
Ikegami Munenaga, wife of |
Minobu |
56 |
bodhisattvalearnedyouth |
278. |
278 |
Reply to Rokurō Jirō |
680 |
680-680 |
Jirō Hyōe / Rokurō Jirō |
Minobu |
56 |
replytorokurojiro |
279. |
279 |
The Woman Who Gave a Piece of Gold |
681 |
681-682 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
56 |
womanwhogaveapieceofgold |
280. |
280 |
Reply to Abutsu-bō |
683 |
683-683 |
Abutsu-bō |
Minobu |
56 |
replytoabutsubo |
281. |
281 |
Letter to Shimoyama |
684 |
684-718 |
Shimoyama Mitsumoto |
Minobu |
56 |
lettertoshimoyama |
282. |
282 |
The Offering of Copper Vessels |
719 |
719-720 |
Ikegami Munenaga, wife of |
Minobu |
56 |
offeringofcoppervessels |
283. |
283 |
On the Eight Cold Hells |
721 |
721-722 |
Ōta Jōmyō, wife of |
Minobu |
56 |
ontheeightcoldhells |
284. |
284 |
The Large Carriage Drawn by a White Ox |
723 |
723-724 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
56 |
largecarriagedrawnbyawhiteox |
285. |
285 |
Repairing the Hermitage |
725 |
725-725 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
56 |
repairingthehermitage |
286. |
286 |
Jissō-ji Temple |
726 |
726-729 |
Buzen-bō |
Minobu |
57 |
jissojitemple |
287. |
287 |
Nine Thoughts to One Word |
730 |
730-733 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
57 |
ninethoughtstooneword |
288. |
288 |
Reply to the Lady of Sajiki |
734 |
734-735 |
Sajiki, lady of |
Minobu |
57 |
replytotheladyofsajiki |
289. |
289 |
Diagram of the Five Periods of the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings |
736 |
736-740 |
Reference Works |
diagramofthefiveperiodsofthebuddhaslifetimeteachings |
290. |
290 |
What It Means to Hear the Buddha Vehicle for the First Time |
741 |
741-745 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
57 |
whatitmeanstohearthebuddhavehicleforthefirsttime |
291. |
291 |
On the Importance of the “Expedient Means” and “Life Span” Chapters |
746 |
746-751 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
57 |
ontheimportanceoftheexpedientmeansandlifespanchapters |
292. |
292 |
Reply to Matsuno |
752 |
752-752 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon, wife of |
Minobu |
57 |
replytomatsuno |
293. |
293 |
Reply to the Wife of Nanjō |
753 |
753-753 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu, wife of |
Minobu |
57 |
replytothewifeofnanjo |
294. |
294 |
Reply to Hyōe no Sakan |
754 |
754-754 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
57 |
replytohyoenosakan |
295. |
295 |
Reply to the Lay Nun of Kubo |
755 |
755-755 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
57 |
replytothelaynunofkubo |
296. |
296 |
Acknowledging Various Offerings |
756 |
756-758 |
Nanjō Heishichirō |
Minobu |
57 |
acknowledgingvariousofferings |
297. |
297 |
The Importance of the Moment of Death |
759 |
759-761 |
Myōhō, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
importanceofthemomentofdeath |
298. |
298 |
Dōryū of Kenchō-ji Temple |
762 |
762-764 |
Hōjō Yagenta |
Minobu |
57 |
doryuofkenchojitemple |
299. |
299 |
Condolences on a Deceased Husband |
765 |
765-782 |
Myōhō, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
condolencesonadeceasedhusband |
300. |
300 |
One Horseload of Salt |
783 |
783-784 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
57 |
onehorseloadofsalt |
301. |
301 |
Reply to the Wife of Ōta |
785 |
785-786 |
Ōta Jōmyō, wife of |
Minobu |
57 |
replytothewifeofota |
302. |
302 |
Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion |
787 |
787-801 |
Jōken-bō |
Minobu |
57 |
questionsandanswersontheobjectofdevotion |
303. |
303 |
On the Three Calamities |
802 |
802-803 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
57 |
onthethreecalamities |
304. |
304 |
Daimoku as the Seed of Buddhahood |
804 |
804-805 |
Nanjō Kurō Tarō |
Minobu |
57 |
daimokuastheseedofbuddhahood |
305. |
305 |
A Harsh Winter Deep in the Mountains |
806 |
806-808 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
57 |
harshwinterdeepinthemountains |
306. |
306 |
Offerings in the Snow |
809 |
809-810 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
58 |
offeringsinthesnow |
307. |
307 |
Concerning the Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha Fashioned by Nichigen-nyo |
811 |
811-814 |
Nichigen-nyo |
Minobu |
58 |
concerningthestatueofshakyamunibuddhafashionedbynichigennyo |
308. |
308 |
Filial Sons |
815 |
815-815 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
58 |
filialsons |
309. |
309 |
On the Meritorious Act of Filial Devotion |
816 |
816-817 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
58 |
onthemeritoriousactoffilialdevotion |
310. |
310 |
On Treasure |
818 |
818-819 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
58 |
ontreasure |
311. |
311 |
Reply to Hōki and the Others |
820 |
820-821 |
Nikkō / Nichiben / Nisshū |
Minobu |
58 |
replytohokiandtheothers |
312. |
312 |
The Ryūsen-ji Petition |
822 |
822-830 |
Nichiben / Nisshū |
Fuji |
58 |
ryusenjipetition |
313. |
313 |
Reply to the Sages |
831 |
831-832 |
Nikkō / Nichiben / Nisshū |
Minobu |
58 |
replytothesages |
314. |
314 |
Letter to Two Persons |
833 |
833-834 |
Ikegami Munenaka / Nichirō |
Minobu |
58 |
lettertotwopersons |
315. |
315 |
The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas of the Three Existences regarding the Classification of the Teachings and Which Are to Be Abandoned and Which Upheld |
835 |
835-866 |
Reference Works |
Minobu |
58 |
unanimousdeclarationbythebuddhasofthethreeexistencesregardingtheclassificationoftheteachingsandwhicharetobeabandonedandwhichupheld |
316. |
316 |
The Tree of Mutual Love |
867 |
867-868 |
Myōshin, lay nun |
Minobu |
58 |
treeofmutuallove |
317. |
317 |
Letter to the Lay Nun, Wife of Toki |
869 |
869-870 |
Toki Jōnin, wife of |
Minobu |
58 |
lettertothelaynunwifeoftoki |
318. |
318 |
Reply to the Lay Nun of Kubo |
871 |
871-871 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
58 |
replytothelaynunofkubo |
319. |
319 |
Propagating the Law at the Appropriate Time |
872 |
872-873 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
58 |
propagatingthelawattheappropriatetime |
320. |
320 |
On the Great Teacher Jikaku |
874 |
874-876 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
59 |
onthegreatteacherjikaku |
321. |
321 |
False Official Documents |
877 |
877-878 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
57 |
falseofficialdocuments |
322. |
322 |
Reply to the Lay Nun Myōshin |
879 |
879-880 |
Myōshin, lay nun |
Minobu |
59 |
replytothelaynunmyoshin |
323. |
323 |
On Aniruddha |
881 |
881-881 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
59 |
onaniruddha |
324. |
324 |
Protecting the Atsuhara Believers |
882 |
882-883 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
protectingtheatsuharabelievers |
325. |
325 |
The Treasure of a Child |
884 |
884-884 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
treasureofachild |
326. |
326 |
The Buddha Resides in a Pure Heart |
885 |
885-886 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon-no-jō, wife of |
Minobu |
59 |
buddharesidesinapureheart |
327. |
327 |
Letter of Condolence |
887 |
887-888 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
letterofcondolence |
328. |
328 |
On the Sad News of Gorō’s Death |
889 |
889-889 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
onthesadnewsofgorosdeath |
329. |
329 |
The Attainment of Buddhahood in Principle and in Its Actual Aspect |
890 |
890-893 |
Myōichi-nyo |
Minobu |
59 |
attainmentofbuddhahoodinprincipleandinitsactualaspect |
330. |
330 |
Reply to the Wife of Gyōbu Saemon-no-jō |
894 |
894-899 |
Gyōbu Saemon-no-jō, wife of |
Minobu |
59 |
replytothewifeofgyobusaemonnojo |
331. |
331 |
On the Eighteen Perfections |
900 |
900-913 |
Sairen-bō |
Minobu |
59 |
ontheeighteenperfections |
332. |
332 |
Brothers One in Mind |
914 |
914-915 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
brothersoneinmind |
333. |
333 |
Regarding Great Bodhisattva Hachiman |
916 |
916-918 |
Chimyō-bō |
Minobu |
59 |
regardinggreatbodhisattvahachiman |
334. |
334 |
The Hundredth-Day Observance |
919 |
919-919 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
hundredthdayobservance |
335. |
335 |
On Reprimanding Hachiman |
920 |
920-940 |
Reference Works |
Minobu |
59 |
onreprimandinghachiman |
336. |
336 |
Listing the Successors of the Buddha’s Teaching |
941 |
941-943 |
Ikegami Munenaka |
Minobu |
59 |
listingthesuccessorsofthebuddhasteaching |
337. |
337 |
Priestly Robes |
944 |
944-945 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
59 |
priestlyrobes |
338. |
338 |
One Drop of the Great Ocean |
946 |
946-946 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
onedropofthegreatocean |
339. |
339 |
On the Difficulty of Believing in the Lotus Sutra |
947 |
947-948 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
60 |
onthedifficultyofbelievinginthelotussutra |
340. |
340 |
The Reconstruction of Hachiman Shrine |
949 |
949-952 |
Ikegami Munenaka / Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
60 |
reconstructionofhachimanshrine |
341. |
341 |
Regarding the Little Mongol State |
953 |
953-953 |
Followers in general |
Minobu |
60 |
regardingthelittlemongolstate |
342. |
342 |
The Refutation of the Three Great Teachers |
954 |
954-961 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
60 |
refutationofthethreegreatteachers |
343. |
343 |
Reply to the Honorable Kōnichi |
962 |
962-965 |
Kōnichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
60 |
replytothehonorablekonichi |
344. |
344 |
Teachings Depend on the Time and the Country |
966 |
966-966 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
60 |
teachingsdependonthetimeandthecountry |
345. |
345 |
The Battle of Kōan |
967 |
967-970 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
60 |
battleofkoan |
346. |
346 |
Leveling the Land |
971 |
971-972 |
Hakiri Sanenaga |
Minobu |
60 |
levelingtheland |
347. |
347 |
Reply to the Lay Nun, Mother of Ueno |
973 |
973-974 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu, mother of |
Minobu |
60 |
replytothelaynunmotherofueno |
348. |
348 |
Reply to Tayū no Sakan |
975 |
975-975 |
Ikegami Munenaka |
Minobu |
60 |
replytotayunosakan |
349. |
349 |
On the Large Carriages Drawn by White Oxen |
976 |
976-977 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
60 |
onthelargecarriagesdrawnbywhiteoxen |
350. |
350 |
Reply to Nishiyama |
978 |
978-979 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
60 |
replytonishiyama |
351. |
351 |
The Eighth Day |
980 |
980-981 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
61 |
eighthday |
352. |
352 |
The Beginning of Spring |
982 |
982-983 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
61 |
beginningofspring |
353. |
353 |
On the Receiving of the Three Great Secret Laws |
984 |
984-990 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
61 |
onthereceivingofthethreegreatsecretlaws |
354. |
354 |
On Three Seating Mats |
991 |
991-992 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
61 |
onthreeseatingmats |
355. |
355 |
The Minobu Transfer Document |
993 |
993-993 |
Nikkō |
Minobu |
61 |
minobutransferdocument |
356. |
356 |
Arrival at Ikegami |
994 |
994-995 |
Hakiri Sanenaga |
Ikegami |
61 |
arrivalatikegami |
357. |
357 |
The Ikegami Transfer Document |
996 |
996-996 |
Nikkō |
Ikegami |
61 |
ikegamitransferdocument |
358. |
358 |
The Relative Merit of Reciting the Daimoku and Amida’s Name |
997 |
997-1007 |
Reference Works |
Kamakura |
43 |
relativemeritofrecitingthedaimokuandamidasname |
359. |
359 |
On a Disciple’s Attitude in Court |
1008 |
1008-1009 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
48 |
onadisciplesattitudeincourt |
360. |
360 |
Finding a Copy of “The Commentary on the Ten Stages Sutra” |
1010 |
1010-1011 |
Musashi-kō |
findingacopyofthecommentaryonthetenstagessutra |
361. |
361 |
Regarding the Attainment of Buddhahood by Persons of the Two Vehicles |
1012 |
1012-1024 |
Reference Works |
regardingtheattainmentofbuddhahoodbypersonsofthetwovehicles |
362. |
362 |
On the Nation’s Slander of the Law |
1025 |
1025-1027 |
Hakiri Sanenaga |
onthenationsslanderofthelaw |
363. |
363 |
Great Reward |
1028 |
1028-1029 |
Recipients unknown |
greatreward |
364. |
364 |
Letter to the Mother of Oto |
1030 |
1030-1031 |
Oto, mother of |
Minobu |
lettertothemotherofoto |
365. |
365 |
Reply to the Temple Superintendent |
1032 |
1032-1033 |
Superintendent of Seichō-ji |
replytothetemplesuperintendent |
366. |
366 |
Recovering from Illness |
1034 |
1034-1034 |
Recipients unknown |
recoveringfromillness |
367. |
367 |
Rooster Diagram of the Five Periods of the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings |
1035 |
1035-1045 |
Reference Works |
roosterdiagramofthefiveperiodsofthebuddhaslifetimeteachings |
368. |
368 |
Refuting Ryōkan and the Others |
1046 |
1046-1055 |
Kōnichi, lay nun |
refutingryokanandtheothers |
369. |
369 |
The Hell of Incessant Suffering in One’s Present Existence |
1056 |
1056-1057 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
56 |
hellofincessantsufferinginonespresentexistence |
370. |
370 |
Letter to the Lay Nun Zenichi |
1058 |
1058-1058 |
Zenichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
lettertothelaynunzenichi |
371. |
371 |
One Horseload of Taros |
1059 |
1059-1059 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
onehorseloadoftaros |
372. |
372 |
On the Three Virtues of Food |
1060 |
1060-1060 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
onthethreevirtuesoffood |
373. |
373 |
In the Continent of Jambudvīpa |
1061 |
1061-1064 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
inthecontinentofjambudvipa |
374. |
374 |
When the Roots Are Exposed, the Branches Wither |
1065 |
1065-1065 |
Recipients unknown |
whentherootsareexposedthebrancheswither |
375. |
375 |
On Clothing and Food |
1066 |
1066-1066 |
Recipients unknown |
onclothingandfood |
376. |
376 |
Letter to Niida |
1067 |
1067-1067 |
Niida Shirō Nobutsuna and his wife |
Minobu |
lettertoniida |
377. |
377 |
Reply to the Lay Nun Kōnichi |
1068 |
1068-1068 |
Kōnichi, lay nun |
replytothelaynunkonichi |
378. |
378 |
Reply to Ōama |
1069 |
1069-1069 |
Ōama |
Minobu |
replytooama |
379. |
379 |
On Sun of Wisdom and the Sun Goddess |
1070 |
1070-1070 |
Recipients unknown |
onsunofwisdomandthesungoddess |
380. |
380 |
The Domain of Shakyamuni |
1071 |
1071-1072 |
Recipients unknown |
domainofshakyamuni |
381. |
381 |
On Namu |
1073 |
1073-1073 |
Recipients unknown |
onnamu |
382. |
382 |
On the Benefits of the Daimoku |
1074 |
1074-1074 |
Recipients unknown |
onthebenefitsofthedaimoku |
383. |
383 |
A Visit as Rare as the Udumbara Flower |
1075 |
1075-1075 |
Naiki Sakon, lay priest |
visitasrareastheudumbaraflower |
384. |
384 |
Eternity, Happiness, True Self, and Purity |
1076 |
1076-1077 |
Recipients unknown |
eternityhappinesstrueselfandpurity |
385. |
385 |
The Thus Come One Shakyamuni |
1078 |
1078-1078 |
Recipients unknown |
thuscomeoneshakyamuni |
386. |
386 |
On Losing Faith and Falling into Evil |
1079 |
1079-1079 |
Recipients unknown |
onlosingfaithandfallingintoevil |
387. |
387 |
“Their Views Were Widely Accepted as Authoritative” |
1080 |
1080-1080 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
theirviewswerewidelyacceptedasauthoritative |
388. |
388 |
Not a One Will Fail to Attain Buddhahood |
1081 |
1081-1081 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
59 |
notaonewillfailtoattainbuddhahood |
389. |
389 |
Letter to Toki |
1082 |
1082-1082 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
48 |
lettertotoki |
390. |
390 |
Praying for the Prolonging of the Lay Nun’s Life |
1082 |
1082-1082 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
prayingfortheprolongingofthelaynunslife |
391. |
391 |
A Copy of “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” |
1083 |
1083-1083 |
Recipients unknown |
copyofonestablishingthecorrectteachingforthepeaceoftheland |
392. |
392 |
Reply to the Sage Iwamoto Nitchū |
1083 |
1083-1083 |
Iwamoto Nitchū |
Minobu |
replytothesageiwamotonitchu |
393. |
393 |
Letter to Musashi |
1084 |
1084-1084 |
Musashi, priest |
lettertomusashi |
394. |
394 |
Reply to the Wife of Hyōe no Sakan |
1084 |
1084-1084 |
Ikegami Munenaga, wife of |
Minobu |
replytothewifeofhyoenosakan |
395. |
395 |
On the Long Rains |
1085 |
1085-1085 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
onthelongrains |
396. |
396 |
Reply to Kakushō-bō |
1085 |
1085-1085 |
Kakushō-bō |
Minobu |
replytokakushobo |
397. |
397 |
Hulled Wheat |
1086 |
1086-1086 |
Recipients unknown |
hulledwheat |
398. |
398 |
Reply to Sadashige |
1086 |
1086-1086 |
Sadashige |
Minobu |
replytosadashige |
399. |
399 |
On Adhering to the Correct Teachings |
1087 |
1087-1087 |
Recipients unknown |
onadheringtothecorrectteachings |
400. |
400 |
On Meeting with the Late Lay Priest of Saimyō-ji |
1087 |
1087-1087 |
Recipients unknown |
onmeetingwiththelatelaypriestofsaimyuji |
401. |
401 |
An Offering of Rice |
1088 |
1088-1088 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
49 |
offeringofrice |
402. |
402 |
Reply to Hyōe no Sakan |
1088 |
1088-1088 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
60 |
replytohyoenosakan |
403. |
403 |
On the One Great Matter |
1088 |
1088-1088 |
Recipients unknown |
ontheonegreatmatter |
404. |
404 |
On the First Harvest of the Year |
1089 |
1089-1089 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
onthefirstharvestoftheyear |
405. |
405 |
Reply to the Lay Nun Matsuno |
1089 |
1089-1089 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon-no-jō, wife of |
Minobu |
replytothelaynunmatsuno |
406. |
406 |
Reply to Nishiyama |
1089 |
1089-1090 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
replytonishiyama |