1. |
1 |
On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime |
3 |
3-5 |
Toki Jōnin |
Kamakura |
34 |
onattainingbuddhahoodinthislifetime |
2. |
2 |
On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land |
6 |
6-30 |
Hōjō Tokiyori |
Kamakura |
39 |
onestablishingthecorrectteachingforthepeaceoftheland |
2-1 |
The Postscript to “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” |
31 |
31-32 |
Hōjō Tokiyori |
48 |
postscripttoonestablishingthecorrectteachingforthepeaceoftheland |
3. |
3 |
A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering |
33 |
33-34 |
Shiiji Shirō |
Kamakura |
40 |
shiptocrosstheseaofsuffering |
4. |
4 |
The Izu Exile |
35 |
35-38 |
Funamori Yasaburō |
Izu Itō |
40 |
izuexile |
5. |
5 |
The Universal Salty Taste |
39 |
39-40 |
Recipients unknown |
universalsaltytaste |
6. |
6 |
The Four Debts of Gratitude |
41 |
41-47 |
Kudō Yoshitaka |
Izu Itō |
41 |
fourdebtsofgratitude |
7. |
7 |
The Teaching, Capacity, Time, and Country |
48 |
48-54 |
Recipients unknown |
Izu Itō |
41 |
teachingcapacitytimeandcountry |
8. |
8 |
Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra |
55 |
55-67 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
42 |
questionsandanswersaboutembracingthelotussutra |
9. |
9 |
The Recitation of the “Expedient Means” and “Life Span” Chapters |
68 |
68-75 |
Hiki Yoshimoto, wife of |
Kamakura |
43 |
recitationoftheexpedientmeansandlifespanchapters |
10. |
10 |
Encouragement to a Sick Person |
76 |
76-84 |
Nanjō Hyōe Shichirō |
Kamakura |
43 |
encouragementtoasickperson |
11. |
11 |
Opening the Eyes of Wooden and Painted Images |
85 |
85-90 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
43 |
openingtheeyesofwoodenandpaintedimages |
12. |
12 |
The Essence of the “Medicine King” Chapter |
91 |
91-98 |
Ueno, lay nun |
Kamakura |
44 |
essenceofthemedicinekingchapter |
13. |
13 |
Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man |
99 |
99-140 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
44 |
conversationbetweenasageandanunenlightenedman |
13 |
Part One |
99 |
99-140 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
44 |
conversationbetweenasageandanunenlightenedman |
13 |
Part Two |
116 |
99-140 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
44 |
conversationbetweenasageandanunenlightenedman |
14. |
14 |
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra |
141 |
141-154 |
Recipients unknown |
Awa |
45 |
daimokuofthelotussutra |
15. |
15 |
Reply to Hoshina Gorō Tarō |
155 |
155-160 |
Hoshina Gōrō Tarō |
Kamakura |
46 |
replytohoshinagorotaro |
16. |
16 |
The Rationale for Writing “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” |
161 |
161-165 |
Hōkan |
47 |
rationaleforwritingonestablishingthecorrectteachingforthepeaceoftheland |
17. |
17 |
The Tripitaka Master Shan-wu-wei |
166 |
166-181 |
Gijō-bō / Jōken-bō |
Kamakura |
49 |
tripitakamastershanwuwei |
18. |
18 |
The Essence of the “Life Span” Chapter |
182 |
182-185 |
Recipients unknown |
Kamakura |
50 |
essenceofthelifespanchapter |
19. |
19 |
Easy Delivery of a Fortune Child |
186 |
186-187 |
Nichigen-nyo |
Kamakura |
50 |
easydeliveryofafortunechild |
20. |
20 |
The Birth of Tsukimaro |
188 |
188-189 |
Shijō Kingo |
Kamakura |
50 |
birthoftsukimaro |
21. |
21 |
The Origin of the Service for Deceased Ancestors |
190 |
190-193 |
Shijō Kingo |
Kamakura |
50 |
originoftheservicefordeceasedancestors |
22. |
22 |
Letter from Echi |
194 |
194-195 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
letterfromechi |
23. |
23 |
The Persecution at Tatsunokuchi |
196 |
196-198 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
persecutionattatsunokuchi |
24. |
24 |
Lessening One’s Karmic Retribution |
199 |
199-201 |
Ōta Jōmyō / Soya Kyōshin / Kanabara |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
lesseningoneskarmicretribution |
25. |
25 |
Banishment to Sado |
202 |
202-203 |
Enjō-bō |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
banishmenttosado |
26. |
26 |
Letter to Priest Nichirō in Prison |
204 |
204-205 |
Nichirō |
Sagami Echi |
50 |
lettertopriestnichiroinprison |
27. |
27 |
Letter from Teradomari |
206 |
206-212 |
Toki Jōnin |
Echigo Teradomari |
50 |
letterfromteradomari |
28. |
28 |
Aspiration for the Buddha Land |
213 |
213-215 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
50 |
aspirationforthebuddhaland |
29. |
29 |
The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life |
216 |
216-219 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
51 |
heritageoftheultimatelawoflife |
30. |
30 |
The Opening of the Eyes |
220 |
220-298 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
openingoftheeyes |
30 |
Part One |
220 |
220-298 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
openingoftheeyes |
30 |
Part Two |
251 |
220-298 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
openingoftheeyes |
31. |
31 |
On the Treasure Tower |
299 |
299-300 |
Abutsu-bō |
Sado |
51 |
onthetreasuretower |
32. |
32 |
Letter from Sado |
301 |
301-308 |
Toki Jōnin / Followers in general |
Sado |
51 |
letterfromsado |
33. |
33 |
Reply to Sairen-bō |
309 |
309-314 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
51 |
replytosairenbo |
34. |
34 |
The Gods Same Birth and Same Name |
315 |
315-316 |
Nichigen-nyo |
Sado |
51 |
godssamebirthandsamename |
35. |
35 |
Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment |
317 |
317-320 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
earthlydesiresareenlightenment |
36. |
36 |
Letter to the Sage Nichimyō |
321 |
321-327 |
Nichimyō |
Sado |
51 |
lettertothesagenichimyo |
37. |
37 |
The Pure and Far-Reaching Voice |
328 |
328-335 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
51 |
pureandfarreachingvoice |
38. |
38 |
On Prayer |
336 |
336-353 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
51 |
onprayer |
39. |
39 |
The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind Established in the Fifth Five-Hundred-Year Period after the Thus Come One’s Passing |
354 |
354-382 |
Toki Jōnin |
Sado |
52 |
objectofdevotionforobservingthemindestablishedinthefifthfivehundredyearperiodafterthethuscomeonespassing |
40. |
40 |
The True Aspect of All Phenomena |
383 |
383-388 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
52 |
trueaspectofallphenomena |
41. |
41 |
Letter to Gijō-bō |
389 |
389-390 |
Gijō-bō |
Sado |
52 |
lettertogijobo |
42. |
42 |
On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings |
391 |
391-397 |
Followers in general |
Sado |
52 |
onpracticingthebuddhasteachings |
43. |
43 |
On the Buddha’s Prophecy |
398 |
398-404 |
Followers in general |
Sado |
52 |
onthebuddhasprophecy |
44. |
44 |
Reply to Hakiri Saburō |
405 |
405-411 |
Hakiri Saburō |
Sado |
52 |
replytohakirisaburo |
45. |
45 |
Reply to Kyō’ō |
412 |
412-413 |
Kyō’ō / Nichigen-nyo / Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
52 |
replytokyoo |
46. |
46 |
On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law |
414 |
414-416 |
Sennichi, lay nun |
Sado |
52 |
onofferingprayerstothemandalaofthemysticlaw |
47. |
47 |
The Entity of the Mystic Law |
417 |
417-434 |
Sairen-bō |
Sado |
52 |
entityofthemysticlaw |
48. |
48 |
On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins |
435 |
435-446 |
Shijō Kingo |
Sado |
52 |
onrebukingslanderofthelawanderadicatingsins |
49. |
49 |
The Votary of the Lotus Sutra Will Meet Persecution |
447 |
447-450 |
Followers in general |
Sado |
53 |
votaryofthelotussutrawillmeetpersecution |
50. |
50 |
The Swords of Good and Evil |
451 |
451-453 |
Hōjō Yagenta |
Sado |
53 |
swordsofgoodandevil |
51. |
51 |
Letter to Endō Saemon-no-jō |
454 |
454-455 |
Endō Saemon-no-jō |
Sado |
53 |
lettertoendosaemonnojo |
52. |
52 |
Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light |
456 |
456-459 |
Ueno, lay nun |
Minobu |
53 |
hellisthelandoftranquillight |
53. |
53 |
On Recommending This Teaching to Your Lord and Avoiding the Offense of Complicity in Slander |
460 |
460-462 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
53 |
onrecommendingthisteachingtoyourlordandavoidingtheoffenseofcomplicityinslander |
54. |
54 |
The Unity of Husband and Wife |
463 |
463-465 |
Nichigen-nyo |
Minobu |
54 |
unityofhusbandandwife |
55. |
55 |
Reply to Niiama |
466 |
466-470 |
Niiama |
Minobu |
54 |
replytoniiama |
56. |
56 |
The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith |
471 |
471-472 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
54 |
difficultyofsustainingfaith |
57. |
57 |
The Teaching, Practice, and Proof |
473 |
473-485 |
Sammi-bō |
Minobu |
54 |
teachingpracticeandproof |
58. |
58 |
Reply to the Lay Priest Soya |
486 |
486-487 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothelaypriestsoya |
59. |
59 |
The Royal Palace |
488 |
488-490 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
54 |
royalpalace |
60. |
60 |
Reply to the Lay Priest of Kō |
491 |
491-492 |
Kō, lay priest of |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothelaypriestofko |
61. |
61 |
Letter to the Brothers |
493 |
493-504 |
Ikegami Munenaka / Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
54 |
lettertothebrothers |
62. |
62 |
Letter to Hōren |
505 |
505-525 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
54 |
lettertohoren |
63. |
63 |
Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa |
526 |
526-532 |
Ichinosawa, wife of the lay priest |
Minobu |
54 |
lettertothelaypriestichinosawa |
64. |
64 |
The Offering of an Unlined Robe |
533 |
533-534 |
Sajiki, lady of |
Minobu |
54 |
offeringofanunlinedrobe |
65. |
65 |
Winter Always Turns to Spring |
535 |
535-537 |
Myōichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
54 |
winteralwaysturnstospring |
66. |
66 |
The Selection of the Time |
538 |
538-594 |
Yui |
Minobu |
54 |
selectionofthetime |
67. |
67 |
Letter to the Lay Nun of Kō |
595 |
595-597 |
Kō, lay nun of |
Minobu |
54 |
lettertothelaynunofko |
68. |
68 |
Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain |
598 |
598-604 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
54 |
threetripitakamastersprayforrain |
69. |
69 |
Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi |
605 |
605-611 |
Takahashi Rokurō Hyōe |
Minobu |
54 |
replytothelaypriesttakahashi |
70. |
70 |
The Supremacy of the Law |
612 |
612-617 |
Oto |
Minobu |
54 |
supremacyofthelaw |
71. |
71 |
Many in Body, One in Mind |
618 |
618-619 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
54 |
manyinbodyoneinmind |
72. |
72 |
The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day |
620 |
620-623 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
54 |
problemtobeponderednightandday |
73. |
73 |
On Upholding Faith in the Gohonzon |
624 |
624-624 |
Myōshin, lay nun |
Minobu |
54 |
onupholdingfaithinthegohonzon |
74. |
74 |
The Embankments of Faith |
625 |
625-627 |
Sennichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
54 |
embankmentsoffaith |
75. |
75 |
The Mongol Envoys |
628 |
628-630 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
54 |
mongolenvoys |
76. |
76 |
On Curing Karmic Disease |
631 |
631-635 |
Ōta Jōmyō |
Minobu |
54 |
oncuringkarmicdisease |
77. |
77 |
The Three Obstacles and Four Devils |
636 |
636-640 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
54 |
threeobstaclesandfourdevils |
78. |
78 |
A Sage Perceives the Three Existences of Life |
641 |
641-643 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
54 |
sageperceivesthethreeexistencesoflife |
79. |
79 |
On Omens |
644 |
644-649 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
54 |
onomens |
80. |
80 |
Letter to the Priests of Seichō-ji |
650 |
650-653 |
Priests of Seichō-ji temple |
Minobu |
55 |
lettertothepriestsofseichoji |
81. |
81 |
Good Fortune in This Life |
654 |
654-655 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
55 |
goodfortuneinthislife |
82. |
82 |
The Bow and Arrow |
656 |
656-658 |
Toki Jōnin, wife of |
Minobu |
55 |
bowandarrow |
83. |
83 |
Letter to Kōnichi-bō |
659 |
659-666 |
Kōnichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
55 |
lettertokonichibo |
84. |
84 |
The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra |
667 |
667-674 |
Myōmitsu |
Minobu |
55 |
blessingsofthelotussutra |
85. |
85 |
The Story of Ōhashi no Tarō |
675 |
675-680 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
55 |
storyofohashinotaro |
86. |
86 |
Happiness in This World |
681 |
681-682 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
55 |
happinessinthisworld |
87. |
87 |
On Consecrating an Image of Shakyamuni Buddha Made by Shijō Kingo |
683 |
683-689 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
55 |
onconsecratinganimageofshakyamunibuddhamadebyshijokingo |
88. |
88 |
On Repaying Debts of Gratitude |
690 |
690-745 |
Jōken-bō / Gijō-bō |
Minobu |
55 |
onrepayingdebtsofgratitude |
89. |
89 |
The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood |
746 |
746-749 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
55 |
essentialsforattainingbuddhahood |
90. |
90 |
Letter to the Lay Priest Dōmyō |
750 |
750-751 |
Dōmyō, lay priest |
Minobu |
55 |
lettertothelaypriestdomyo |
91. |
91 |
Propagation by the Wise |
752 |
752-754 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
55 |
propagationbythewise |
92. |
92 |
The Fourteen Slanders |
755 |
755-762 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon |
Minobu |
55 |
fourteenslanders |
93. |
93 |
The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra |
763 |
763-782 |
Kōnichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
55 |
actionsofthevotaryofthelotussutra |
94. |
94 |
On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice |
783 |
783-793 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
56 |
onthefourstagesoffaithandthefivestagesofpractice |
95. |
95 |
The Eight Winds |
794 |
794-797 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
eightwinds |
96. |
96 |
The Workings of Brahmā and Shakra |
798 |
798-802 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
56 |
workingsofbrahmaandshakra |
97. |
97 |
The Letter of Petition from Yorimoto |
803 |
803-816 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
letterofpetitionfromyorimoto |
98. |
98 |
On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors |
817 |
817-822 |
Jibu-bō’s grandmother |
Minobu |
56 |
onofferingsfordeceasedancestors |
99. |
99 |
A Warning against Begrudging One’s Fief |
823 |
823-826 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
warningagainstbegrudgingonesfief |
100. |
100 |
Reply to Yasaburō |
827 |
827-830 |
Yasaburō |
Minobu |
56 |
replytoyasaburo |
101. |
101 |
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon |
831 |
831-834 |
Nichinyo |
Minobu |
56 |
realaspectofthegohonzon |
102. |
102 |
The Hero of the World |
835 |
835-841 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
herooftheworld |
103. |
103 |
The Wonderful Means of Surmounting Obstacles |
842 |
842-842 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
wonderfulmeansofsurmountingobstacles |
104. |
104 |
Reply to Matsuno |
843 |
843-844 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon |
Minobu |
56 |
replytomatsuno |
105. |
105 |
A Father Takes Faith |
845 |
845-847 |
Ikegami Munenaga |
Minobu |
56 |
fathertakesfaith |
106. |
106 |
The Three Kinds of Treasure |
848 |
848-853 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
56 |
threekindsoftreasure |
107. |
107 |
The Third Doctrine |
854 |
854-858 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
56 |
thirddoctrine |
108. |
108 |
“This Is What I Heard” |
859 |
859-862 |
Soya Kyōshin |
Minobu |
56 |
thisiswhatiheard |
109. |
109 |
Letter to Shōmitsu-bō |
863 |
863-871 |
Shōmitsu-bō |
Minobu |
56 |
lettertoshomitsubo |
110. |
110 |
How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra |
872 |
872-890 |
Myōhō, lay nun |
Minobu |
56 |
howthoseinitiallyaspiringtothewaycanattainbuddhahoodthroughthelotussutra |
111. |
111 |
No Safety in the Threefold World |
891 |
891-893 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon |
Minobu |
56 |
nosafetyinthethreefoldworld |
112. |
112 |
Letter to Misawa |
894 |
894-898 |
Misawa Kojirō |
Minobu |
57 |
lettertomisawa |
113. |
113 |
The Two Kinds of Faith |
899 |
899-900 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
57 |
twokindsoffaith |
114. |
114 |
Reply to the Followers |
901 |
901-901 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
57 |
replytothefollowers |
115. |
115 |
The Teaching for the Latter Day |
902 |
902-904 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
57 |
teachingforthelatterday |
116. |
116 |
Reply to a Believer |
905 |
905-906 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
57 |
replytoabeliever |
117. |
117 |
Unseen Virtue and Visible Reward |
907 |
907-908 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
unseenvirtueandvisiblereward |
118. |
118 |
Flowering and Bearing Grain |
909 |
909-910 |
Gijō-bō / Jōken-bō |
Minobu |
57 |
floweringandbearinggrain |
119. |
119 |
An Outline of the “Entrustment” and Other Chapters |
911 |
911-918 |
Nichinyo |
Minobu |
57 |
outlineoftheentrustmentandotherchapters |
120. |
120 |
The Two Kinds of Illness |
919 |
919-921 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
57 |
twokindsofillness |
121. |
121 |
The One Essential Phrase |
922 |
922-924 |
Myōhō, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
oneessentialphrase |
122. |
122 |
Reply to Tokimitsu |
925 |
925-927 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
57 |
replytotokimitsu |
123. |
123 |
The Sutra of True Requital |
928 |
928-936 |
Sennichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
sutraoftruerequital |
124. |
124 |
The Good Medicine for All Ills |
937 |
937-939 |
Myōshin, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
goodmedicineforallills |
125. |
125 |
The Farther the Source, the Longer the Stream |
940 |
940-944 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
57 |
fartherthesourcethelongerthestream |
126. |
126 |
The Receipt of New Fiefs |
945 |
945-947 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
57 |
receiptofnewfiefs |
127. |
127 |
The Drum at the Gate of Thunder |
948 |
948-951 |
Sennichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
57 |
drumatthegateofthunder |
128. |
128 |
General Stone Tiger |
952 |
952-953 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
57 |
generalstonetiger |
129. |
129 |
On Prolonging One’s Life Span |
954 |
954-956 |
Toki Jōnin, wife of |
Minobu |
58 |
onprolongingoneslifespan |
130. |
130 |
The One-eyed Turtle and the Floating Log |
957 |
957-961 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon, wife of |
Minobu |
58 |
oneeyedturtleandthefloatinglog |
131. |
131 |
Persecution by Sword and Staff |
962 |
962-966 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
58 |
persecutionbyswordandstaff |
132. |
132 |
The Teaching That Accords with the Buddha’s Mind |
967 |
967-972 |
Niike Saemon |
Minobu |
58 |
teachingthataccordswiththebuddhasmind |
133. |
133 |
The Unmatched Blessings of the Law |
973 |
973-975 |
Nishiyama, lay priest |
Minobu |
58 |
unmatchedblessingsofthelaw |
134. |
134 |
On Establishing the Four Bodhisattvas as the Object of Devotion |
976 |
976-980 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
58 |
onestablishingthefourbodhisattvasastheobjectofdevotion |
135. |
135 |
Reply to the Wife of Matsuno |
981 |
981-982 |
Matsuno Rokurō Saemon-no-jō, wife of |
Minobu |
58 |
replytothewifeofmatsuno |
136. |
136 |
King Rinda |
983 |
983-992 |
Soya Dōsō |
Minobu |
58 |
kingrinda |
137. |
137 |
Letter to Jakunichi-bō |
993 |
993-995 |
Jakunichi-bō |
Minobu |
58 |
lettertojakunichibo |
138. |
138 |
On Persecutions Befalling the Sage |
996 |
996-999 |
Shijō Kingo / Followers in general |
Minobu |
58 |
onpersecutionsbefallingthesage |
139. |
139 |
The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra |
1000 |
1000-1001 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
58 |
strategyofthelotussutra |
140. |
140 |
The Dragon Gate |
1002 |
1002-1004 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
58 |
dragongate |
141. |
141 |
Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki |
1005 |
1005-1010 |
Nakaoki, wife of the lay priest |
Minobu |
58 |
lettertothelaypriestnakaoki |
142. |
142 |
“This Person Advances through the World” |
1011 |
1011-1012 |
Ikegami Munenaka |
Minobu |
58 |
thispersonadvancesthroughtheworld |
143. |
143 |
The Third Day of the New Year |
1013 |
1013-1013 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
thirddayofthenewyear |
144. |
144 |
Letter to Akimoto |
1014 |
1014-1025 |
Akimoto Tarō |
Minobu |
59 |
lettertoakimoto |
145. |
145 |
Letter to Niike |
1026 |
1026-1032 |
Niike Saemon |
Minobu |
59 |
lettertoniike |
146. |
146 |
On Filial and Unfilial Conduct |
1033 |
1033-1035 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
onfilialandunfilialconduct |
147. |
147 |
The Meaning of Faith |
1036 |
1036-1036 |
Myōichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
59 |
meaningoffaith |
148. |
148 |
A Comparison of the Lotus and Other Sutras |
1037 |
1037-1040 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
59 |
comparisonofthelotusandothersutras |
149. |
149 |
The Treasure of a Filial Child |
1041 |
1041-1048 |
Sennichi, lay nun |
Minobu |
59 |
treasureofafilialchild |
150. |
150 |
The Sons Pure Storehouse and Pure Eye |
1049 |
1049-1051 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
59 |
sonspurestorehouseandpureeye |
151. |
151 |
The Doctrine of Attaining Buddhahood in One’s Present Form |
1052 |
1052-1060 |
Myōichi-nyo |
Minobu |
59 |
doctrineofattainingbuddhahoodinonespresentform |
152. |
152 |
White Horses and White Swans |
1061 |
1061-1068 |
Utsubusa, lady of |
Minobu |
59 |
whitehorsesandwhiteswans |
153. |
153 |
The Place of the Cluster of Blessings |
1069 |
1069-1071 |
Shijō Kingo |
Minobu |
59 |
placeoftheclusterofblessings |
154. |
154 |
Reply to the Mother of Ueno |
1072 |
1072-1078 |
Ueno, lay nun |
Minobu |
59 |
replytothemotherofueno |
155. |
155 |
Reply to the Lay Nun Nichigon |
1079 |
1079-1079 |
Nichigon, lay nun |
Minobu |
59 |
replytothelaynunnichigon |
156. |
156 |
Great Bodhisattva Hachiman |
1080 |
1080-1085 |
Nichigen-nyo |
Minobu |
59 |
greatbodhisattvahachiman |
157. |
157 |
The Wealthy Man Sudatta |
1086 |
1086-1088 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
59 |
wealthymansudatta |
158. |
158 |
Reply to Ōnichi-nyo |
1089 |
1089-1090 |
Ōnichi-nyo |
Minobu |
59 |
replytoonichinyo |
159. |
159 |
The Gift of Clear Sake |
1091 |
1091-1093 |
Ueno, lay nun |
Minobu |
60 |
giftofclearsake |
160. |
160 |
Reply to Jibu-bō |
1094 |
1094-1096 |
Jibu-bō |
Minobu |
60 |
replytojibubo |
161. |
161 |
The Person and the Law |
1097 |
1097-1098 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
60 |
personandthelaw |
162. |
162 |
Wu-lung and I-lung |
1099 |
1099-1102 |
Ueno, lay nun |
Minobu |
60 |
wulungandilung |
163. |
163 |
Roots of Good Fortune |
1103 |
1103-1104 |
Kubo, lay nun of |
Minobu |
60 |
rootsofgoodfortune |
164. |
164 |
Reply to the Lay Nun Myōhō |
1105 |
1105-1107 |
Myōhō, lay nun |
Minobu |
60 |
replytothelaynunmyoho |
165. |
165 |
The Proof of the Lotus Sutra |
1108 |
1108-1110 |
Nanjō Tokimitsu |
Minobu |
61 |
proofofthelotussutra |
166. |
166 |
The Treatment of Illness |
1111 |
1111-1116 |
Toki Jōnin |
Minobu |
61 |
treatmentofillness |
167. |
167 |
The Properties of Rice |
1117 |
1117-1118 |
Takahashi Rokurō Hyōe |
Minobu |
propertiesofrice |
168. |
168 |
Great Evil and Great Good |
1119 |
1119-1119 |
Recipients unknown |
greatevilandgreatgood |
169. |
169 |
The Kalpa of Decrease |
1120 |
1120-1124 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
kalpaofdecrease |
170. |
170 |
The Gift of Rice |
1125 |
1125-1127 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
giftofrice |
171. |
171 |
The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings |
1128 |
1128-1136 |
Recipients unknown |
Minobu |
bodiesandmindsofordinarybeings |
172. |
172 |
New Year’s Gosho |
1137 |
1137-1138 |
Omosu, wife of |
Minobu |
newyearsgosho |